Masjid al-Jummah (Arabic: مسجد الجمعة), on the boundary of Madinah, marks the site where the Prophet (ﷺ) led his first Jummah salah. This occured shortly after his Hijrah (migration) from Makkah. It is about 2.5 km from Masjid-e-Nabwi.
- The Prophet (ﷺ) left Quba on a Friday to head into Madinah. About a kilometer from Quba he passed the village of Banu Salim bin Auf. The people of Banu Salim implored: “O Prophet of Allah, you stayed at the homes of our cousins for a number of days, reward us too with something, for they will pride themselves over us till the Day of Judgement that you stayed with them”. The Prophet (ﷺ) dismounted and offered his first Jummah in their locality.
- Approximately one hundred Muslims participated in this first Jummah salah. Amongst them were the Prophet’s (ﷺ) relatives from Bani an-Najjar who had come to meet him and some from Bani Amr who had escorted him from Quba.
- After performing the Friday prayer, the Prophet (ﷺ) mounted Qaswa (his camel) and set off for the city of Madinah.

- Masjid al-Jummah is also known by Masjid Bani Salim, Masjid al wadi, Masjid Ghubaib and Masjid Aatikah.
- According to ibn Jarir, the Prophet (ﷺ) delivered this khutbah (sermon):“Praise belongs to Allah. I praise Him, ask for His help and seek His Forgiveness and beseech Him for Guidance. I believe in Him and do not reject Him. I despise those who disbelieve Him. And I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, the One, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger who is sent with guidance and true religion, light and admonition, when there has not been a Messenger for a long time, when knowledge is but little, men are misguided, and end of time is near, death being at hand.He who obeys Allah and His Messenger is indeed guided and he who disobeys them is lost on the wrong path, is fallen down to a terrible misguidance.And I urge you to fear Allah – the best advice a Muslim may give to another Muslim, urging him to prepare for the Hereafter and to fear Allah. O People; keep away from that which Allah has asked to shun. And there is no counsel greater than that and no remembrance greater than that. Know! For him who fears Allah in his pursuits, the best course is taqwa (righteousness) in affairs of the Hereafter. He who keeps his relationship with Allah, both secret and open, correct – being sincere – that will be an asset for him after death more than zikr in this world. But if anyone fails in that then he would wish that his deeds were kept away from him. As for him who believes and fulfils his promise then;“The word is not changed with Me, nor do I wrong (My) servants.” [50:29] Muslims! Fear Allah in what concerns you now and what will follow, in what is hidden and what is open, for,“And he who fears Allah, He will acquit him of his evil deeds and He will magnify reward for him.” [65:5] And those who fear Allah will gain a mighty success. It is fear of Allah that keeps away His disapproval, punishment and wrath. It is taqwa (fear of Allah) that brightens the countenance, pleases the Lord and raises ranks.O Muslims! Pursue good fortune but do not lag behind in rights of Allah. He taught you His Book and guided you on the path that the righteous and the false may be distinguished. O People! Allah has been good to you and you should be like that to others. Keep away from His enemies and strive in His cause with determination. He has chosen you and named you Muslims so that he who perishes, does so for worthy cause and he who lives, follows a worthy cause. And every piety is done with His help.O People! Remember Allah. Strive for the Hereafter. As for him, who corrects his relationship with Allah then Allah corrects his relationship with other people.Know! Allah judges over people but is not judged by anyone. He is their Master but they have no power over Him. Allah is the Greatest. And there is no power (to do good) except with Allah the Mighty.”

References: Muhammad – Martin Lings, History of Madinah Munawwarah – Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani, The Prophet Muhammad – Ibn Kathir