The Dome of the Ascension (Mi’raj) is behind the Dome of the Prophet and was built to commemorate the ascension to heaven of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
- The structure is a small octagonal dome based on 30 marble columns. The open space between the columns was later sealed using marble slabs. The dome has a niche pointing towards the Qiblah, and its main entrance is located on its northern side. What makes the dome stand out is the smaller dome on top of it that looks like a crown.
- The dome’s accurate year of construction and its founder’s name remain unknown but it was renovated by Prince Ezz Ad-Din Ottoman bin Al Az-Zanjabily, the Governor of Jerusalem, during the Ayoubi King Al-Adel’s reign in 1200 AD (597 AH).
- It is often claimed that this structure represents the true place from where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ascended to the heavens. However, there is no authentic source to back this claim. And Allah (ﷻ) knows best.
References: A guide to al-Aqsa mosque – PASSIA