The Shadharawan (Arabic: شدروان) is the light-grey coloured marble base that surrounds three sides of the Ka’bah.
First time it was installed
- The Shadharawan was first installed by Abdullah bin Zubair (رضي الله عنه) when he rebuilt the Ka’bah in 685 CE (65 AH). It was created to prevent water seeping down into the foundations of the Ka’bah.
Other uses
- Another use of the Shadharawan is that it has brass rings fixed to it which are used to secure the Kiswah (the covering of the Ka’bah).
- it also helps in creating a barrier between people who are making Tawaf and the Ka’bah to prevent them injuring themselves against the walls.
The Ka’bah isn’t entirely surrounded
- The Shadharawan isn’t on the Hateem side of the Ka’bah. This is because this side forms part of the original perimeter of the Ka’bah. A much smaller dark-grey ledge has been built here (see below).
- The base underneath the Door of the Ka’bah also doesn’t contain the Shadharawan in order to make it easier for pilgrims to cling to the door ledge.
References: The History of Makkah Mukarramah – Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani