Tomb of Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah (رضي الله عنه)

Tomb of Shurahbeel bin Hasanah (رضي الله عنه)
Tomb of Shurahbeel bin Hasanah (رضي الله عنه)

This is the tomb of Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah (رضي الله عنه) who was an early convert to Islam. After the demise of the Prophet (may ﷺ) he became a leading Muslim army commander and had a role in spreading Islam in the region which today covers Jordan, Palestine and Syria.

  • Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah (رضي الله عنه) was among the first people to accept Islam. He was among the second group of Muslims who made migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madinah.
  • He was among the leaders of the Muslims appointed by Caliph Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه) when they marched towards Syria.
  • A major portion of Jordan was conquered at his hands. For a period of time he was also made the governor of Jordan.
  • He fought in the Ridda (Apostatsy) wars, the Battle of Yamama and the Battle of Ajnadayn. He had a leading role in the Muslim capture of northern Palestine.
  • Shurahbeel ibn Hasanah (رضي الله عنه) was martyred in the plague of Amwas. He passed away on the same day as Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (رضي الله عنه) in 639 CE.

References: In the Blessed Lands: Jamiatul Ulama KZN, Wikipedia

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