Mount Judi is the resting place of the Ark built by Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) by the command of Allah. It is situated in south-east Turkey, close to the Syrian and Iraqi borders.
- The Quranic account of the Flood and Noah’s Ark agrees with that given in the Bible, with a few variations. One of these concerns the final resting place of the Ark. According to Genesis, the Ark grounded on the “mountains of Ararat”; while according to the Qur’an, the final resting place of the vessel was called Mount Judi:
“Then it was said, ‘Earth, swallow up your water, and sky, hold back,’ and the water subsided, the command was fulfilled. The Ark settled on Mount Judi, and it was said, ‘Gone are those evildoing people!“ [11:44] - The above picture is believed to be the current remains of the Ark on the mountain. The picture below shows how the Ark constructed by Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) may have looked like.
References: Wikipedia