Residence of Imam al-Ghazali

Residence of Imam Ghazali seen from within the Aqsa compound
Residence of Imam Ghazali seen from within the Aqsa compound

This structure, on the eastern wall of Masjid al-Aqsa, is where the famous Islamic scholar Imam al-Ghazali stayed in Jerusalem. In a room underneath the dome is where he wrote his major work Ihya’ Ulum al-Din or Ihya’u Ulumiddin (The Revival of Religious Sciences).

  • The whole structure is also known as Bab al-Rahmah, meaning the Gate of Mercy. It is the other side of the Golden Gate. It was closed for many years but has recently been opened and renovated.
Close-up of the residence of Imam Ghazali
Close-up of the residence of Imam Ghazali
Entrance to Bab-ur-Rahmah
Entrance to Bab-ur-Rahmah
Interior of Bab-ur-Rahmah
Interior of Bab-ur-Rahmah


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