Masjid Sabaq

Location of Masjid Sabaq
Location of Masjid Sabaq

This is the approximate area where Masjid Sabaq used to exist. In the time of the Prophet (ﷺ) horses were trained for the purpose of fighting in the cause of Allah. The masjid was removed as part of the redevelopment of Madinah.

  • The location where the mosque existed is about 520m north-west of Masjid-e-Nabwi.
  • According to some reports this area is where the Sahabah would play games of throwing watermelon rinds to each other and where the Prophet (ﷺ) and Aisha (رضي الله عنها) would sometimes race with each other.
Masjid Sabaq horse training area
Masjid Sabaq horse training area
  • This area was the starting point of horse races which had two finishing points, the first being at the locality of Banu Zuraiq (near Masjid Ghamama) and the further one at Hafyaa, about 10 km from Masjid-e-Nabwi.

Historic photos of Masjid Sabaq before demolition

Historic photo of Masjid Sabaq
Historic photo of Masjid Sabaq
Aerial view of Masjid Sabaq
Aerial view of Masjid Sabaq

References:  History of Madinah Munawwarah – Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani,

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